ROMs, Blocks, and the Debugger  (...and all that crap most of us don’t understand)   128k->Mac SE, and Mac II's Hardware Etch Here’s a neat little one. On all Apple computers from the original 128K Mac to the SE is a peculiar easter egg. The Mac designers decided to gain some fame and glory by having their signatures etched in raised lettering inside the rear part of the Mac casing. Look closely and you will see all 47 Mac team members on the box of the computer. I have also been told by Jai Nelson ( that underneath the motherboard of the IIcx and IIci there are etched names. There are eight signatures of the Product Design Team inscribed along the left side of the bottom of the case. Absolute Sector In absolute sector $1 of $FA71F the Hex for the whole page says “DADA” repeated over and over again. Kind of random. Look in the Norton Disk Editor in the second page of the Boot Block called the Bootstrap Code. All Macintosh ROMs At location DMA 40B2E280 999 there is a testimonial to Garry Dividian, the Apple software Genious who single handedly wrote the 680x0 emulator code that lurks inside every PowerMac-and that just may have saved the company. From Mac Secrets.   Any Macintosh Computer Every Mac will play interesting sounds if it fails its internal RAM check. You can harmlessly force it to fail its check by pressing the Interrupt button or key combination (usually Command-Startup key) on your system immediately after it starts booting up. Mac II systems play interesting chimes, Quadra AV's play drum solos, LC's play a flute, and the Power Macintoshes play a sound of a car wreck with glass breaking. David Johnson ( is in the process of accumulating the definitive collection of start-up and crash sounds. You can see and hear his progress to date on The Mac Line Start-Up and Crash Sounds page: Disk Type If your bytes for the disk type are $D2D7 (an MFS volume) it stands for “RW” (Randy Wigginton) in ASCII. An HFS volume would be $4244 which stands for “BD” (Big Disk) in ASCII. Early Macintosh ROMs 32-bit ROMs for Macintosh II Code Name: Squeaky (as in “squeaky clean” since earlier ROMs were considered “dirty” because they didn’t properly use all 32 bits) -------- With a debugger, look at the last few locations of the ROM of your machine. Developers put their initials there, as well as the date that the ROM was linked. For example, the 128k ROM (Mac Plus) contains, at $41FFC0-$41FFFF: ALR ELR BA BMB EHB JTC SC DLD PWD KWK LAK SEL BWed, Nov 6, 1985 These are the initials of (?=someone): Erich Ringewald, Bill Atkinson, Bill Bruffey, Ernie Beernik (sp?), Jerome Coonan, Steve Capps, Donn Denmann, Pat Dirks, ?, Larry Kenyon, and ?. My 840AV, the Powerbook, and LCIII, did not have the initials but did have the date which may suggest that newer models do not have the initials.   Easter Egg ROM sounds From: (David Schaub) Quadra From: (Dieder Bylsma) -------- Many computer systems also have sounds hidden in the ROM. To find them a program called ROMmie is required. The Quadra is PowerMac accelerated. Besides the start-up sounds, which you will find, there may also be other sounds like the ones listed below. The "Whoop there it is digitation" is 16 bit and very cool, but you will need to go to my web page to download it. David Schuab has a huge collection of start-up sounds along with these hidden ROM eggs. If you would like the file send a mesage to Mac Quadra Squeak - Macintosh LC 520 PowerMac Beep - Power Macintosh 6100/60AV PowerMac Boing - Power Macintosh 6100/60AV PowerMac Card Phaser - Power Macintosh Quadra 610 with PPC Card PowerMac Card "Whoop There It Is" digitization - Quadra 610 with PPC Card PowerMac PCI Bang - Power Macintosh 9500/120 ROMs for the Plus and Below Macintosh 128k ROMs had chip codes which began with the letters L and H ("Lonely Hearts") and were therefore nicknamed appropriately, while the chip codes of the 32-bit-wide CPUs use the letters A, B, C, D ("Ala Baster Can Delabra"). These were the development names for the ROMs and in result the name's initials were given to the ROM. Print Copyright Trap Write a little native-code application with a procedure that makes a call to the Print Copyright Trap. I have no idea what that does. Signature Byte SigBytes identify the Boot Block. $4C4B signifies that you have a bootable Macintosh disk. “4C4B” translated in ASCII means “LK”. This stands for Larry Kenyon who originally designed the Mac’s File System. From Norton Disk Editor.